
Natural Horsemanship

Natural Horsemanship

Natural Horsemanship is a philosophy of working with horses based on the horse’s natural instincts and methods of communication

Natural horsemanship trainers must use firm but fair force when necessary to ensure the safety of the rider or handler, as well as the horse.  We simply do not use fear or pain to motivate the animal, nor do we attempt to force the animal into submission.

Levi & Jenny Beechy have owned their barn for 13 years and live on-sight to ensure the best care for the horses living at their facility. Their free time is spent training and showing their own personal horses. Levi Beechy strives to develop a trusting relationship with your horse so you can feel comfortable that your horse is in good hands.


Natural Horsemanship Training

Natural Horsemanship:

Natural Horsemanship is a phycology based training technique based on basic kinder concepts than horses have been treated in the past.

Pressure and Release

The basic technique is to apply pressure of some kind to the horse as a cue for an action and then release the pressure as soon as the horse responds, either by doing what was asked or by doing something that was a step toward the requested action, called a “try”.

Timing is everything, as the horse learns not from the pressure but from releasing the pressure. These techniques are based on the principle of reinforcement, rather than physical force, which most Natural Horsemanship practitioners avoid using whenever possible.

Building a Connection

With a focus on communication and speaking to your horse in a way that they understand, natural horsemanship is a popular way to train and work with a horse. The key is forming a connection and helping your horse to form a trust-based relationship with you.

Natural Horsemanship trainers are slightly more reward-oriented instead of consequence-oriented. Learn more about our horse training, or more about us.